10 Pro Tips on How to See the World and Travel For a Year Without Breaking the Bank
8 July 2021
Digital nomad working in nature with MacBook Air laptop

You’ve been dreaming of traveling the world for years, but you’re not sure how to get started. It seems like a huge challenge!

Deciding to travel the world is one thing, but actually getting there is another. There are so many things that need to be taken care of before your trip can begin, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the details. But don’t worry – this article will show you exactly what steps you need to take in order to start planning your dream trip!

To plan a year-long adventure around the globe, there are lots of different things that need to be taken into account. Don’t worry – we’ll walk through each step together! Whether you’re on gap year, a digital nomad, or just on sabbatical, we’ve got you covered.

Step 1: Save Money Before You Travel

The first few months traveling will be hectic as you learn the ropes, and there might be extra costs that pop up unexpectedly along the way. To prepare for these events (and many more), make sure you save at least $15,000 USD per year before leaving home. This should cover everything in your daily expenses if you’re smart with your money.

But if your trip abruptly ends and you have extra money left over it can be used as a buffer for emergencies. On that note, make sure that you invest in travel insurance!

Step 2: Packing List

Traveling light is an absolute must when going on a round-the-world trip. It’s also important to have a well planned and prepared packing list. There are certain things that you’ll need more of and others that you can live without. It all depends on what kind of travel style you’re planning to have! Here are a few of the essentials though:

  • Electronics: laptop, cell phone, external battery pack, chargers, electric shavers, etc. This list is pretty self-explanatory.
  • Converters: Always, always travel with an all-purpose converter. You do NOT want to explode your devices.
  • Clothing: To make packing easier, first decide whether you want to stay in one place long-term or travel often between various locations. If you plan on staying put long-term, then pack light and buy clothes where you are going. If you’re traveling often, just bring about a week’s worth of clothing, which will make transportation MUCH easier.
  • Medication/supplements: Never assume you will be able to access your medications and or/supplements. Bring a “Vacation supply” of your medications and whichever essential supplements/vitamins you need.

Step 3: Decide if You Want to Do Solo Travel or Group Travel

Many people have a hard time deciding whether they should travel solo or group travel, and it’s not any easier to decide if you’re on a tight budget.

A solo traveler will usually get the most out of their cultural adventures because there are no other travelers to distract them from their cultural sightseeing.

When traveling solo be sure to plan well for where you want to go so you can avoid being stranded anywhere. If your wallet is tight when traveling solo, try taking advantage of free activities like free walking tours. Solo travel appeals to solo adventurers who enjoy exploring areas by themselves and don’t mind doing things at their own pace.

A group of friends can make solo travel more fun and action-packed! Group travel often involves doing things solo travelers don’t want to do, like sharing a room or going on group tours. Group travel appeals to adventurers who are on a budget and like having the safety and cost savings of traveling with other people.

If you’re in a group, make sure everyone is on the same page before booking your flights and accommodations!

Step 4: Planning the Trip

To plan an adventure like this, it’s not enough just to make a list of places you want to go – you need to organize them in such a way that any travel in between is interesting and fun! It takes some time when you’re first putting together your itinerary, but once it’s complete this will be one less thing to worry about during your travels. You’ll also be able to more accurately estimate when you should arrive at certain destinations so that everything lines up with your budget.

Here’s a few initial destinations to consider:

  1. Cambodia is one of the most affordable countries in Southeast Asia thanks to its low cost of living. It has warm weather throughout the year except for December when there is a small chance of rainfall. The climate makes this country suitable for long-term travelers who are looking for comfortable temperatures all throughout their trip. The country has long been home to many ancient ruins which were built during the Angkor Empire and there are plenty more where those came from. There is Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple, Banteay Srei Temple and Ta Prohm. You’ll never get tired of exploring this place especially if you have a long term visa!
  2. Northern Ireland offers a ton of attractions in one place that will keep any traveler busy throughout their entire visit. Some Irish cities worth visiting include Belfast, Dublin and Derry among others. You should check out the Giant’s Causeway which is a stone structure created by volcanic eruptions and cliffs at Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge that make it worth exploring. There are plenty of long term hostels in this country so finding accommodation should not be too difficult.
  3. Northern Italy has long been home to some of the most fascinating cities in Europe like Venice, Pisa and Florence just to name a few.Northern Italy also has plenty of long term hotels that offer pretty good deals and this will make it an even better place to stay when visiting these long term destinations.

If you’re on a serious budget, nearly anywhere in South America and Central America is affordable.

Step 5: Research Transportation Options

If your budget is tight, you can get cheap flights with budget airlines. Use Google Flights to find them! They won’t be comfortable, but they’ll get the job done. You can also take boats and buses where available as a way to get around spending too much money on airfare.

Now that you’ve done all your research and are ready to go, it’s time to pack up all of your budget friendly gear and get on the road. Remember, budget travel doesn’t mean you have to spend a ton of money–it just means that you’ll be more creative when exploring new areas!

Step 6: Stay at Airbnbs or Couchsurfing When Possible Instead of Hotels

This is a good way to save some extra cash while still having access to a clean and comfortable place at night. It’s worth looking into these options if you want to cut down on expenses, but make sure the host looks trustworthy!

Step 7: Eat Street Food – It’s Usually Cheaper Than Restaurants and Often Healthier Too!

Eating out is one of the biggest expenses when traveling so it’s always best to keep costs as low as possible wherever possible. Buying your meals from street vendors can be incredibly cheap and there are plenty of tasty options that most travelers haven’t tried. But remember: don’t eat anything that you wouldn’t trust in your own home!

Step 8: Use the Right Apps to Stay Connected with Friends and Family Back Home

Staying in touch with your friends and family back home can be difficult when you’re traveling abroad, but there are plenty of ways to do it. Skype, Facetime, or WhatsApp are all great options that don’t cost much data at all – just make sure you have a good internet connection wherever you are! These apps also let you share photos directly from your phone so you’ll never miss an opportunity for showing off the amazing places you’ve been to.

Step 9: Have Fun!

When all else fails, remember what the whole point of travel is: enjoying yourself! Sure, planning out everything meticulously makes it easy for things to go smoothly when adventuring around the world, but at the end of the day these experiences are just as rewarding when you’re winging it.

Step 10: Schedule a Trip for Next Year!

Once you’ve finished your first round-the-world trip, the big question is always “when should I book my next one?” While everyone has their own thoughts on this, there’s no wrong or right answer – it all comes down to what kind of traveler you are and what style of travel suits you best. If you like planning things out well in advance then set a date on a calendar so that it’s easier to save money and plan for another adventure. But if spontaneity is more your thing then just go with the flow – be ready for anything and enjoy wherever life takes you!


World travel is hard work, but it’s worth it. The cost of flights and accommodations may be steep for the first few months while you’re developing your itinerary, so plan ahead to save money on any future trips. Mind your daily budget!

If anything goes wrong or if a trip unexpectedly ends early, always have some extra cash set aside in savings! Being connected with friends and family back home can also be difficult when traveling abroad — Skype is one way to stay connected without draining data from your phone (or breaking the bank). And finally: don’t forget that travel isn’t just about planning – sometimes spontaneity makes for better memories. So enjoy yourself wherever life takes you!

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